Guide Your Vacation in Bali

Traditional Food in Bali

Kuta Bali not only spread the attraction of tourism that made the click amazed the world. He. The country of one thousand temples also offered the very defiant tongue adventure. From that filled local appetite until being varied the international menu all tersaji here. The tour ate to the alternative to revenue that could not be was gazed at an eye. Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai scenery, Denpasar was seen so pretty from air. Gigir the coast with the pounding of the wave forced the heart to be somewhat gulping. Thank you Tuhan, Boeing 737 series 200 properties of the AIR cataracts airline landed smooth. It mean, it's time to ate in Bali.
Babi Guling, Traditional food in Bali
To Bali only wanted to eat? The nod became the firm answer. Sorry, this not only the style but the aim pelesir we indeed were travelling ate. Actually, this social gathering has been very famous in the world of tourism. Only love in our country not a little famous. Looked for the place ate that greated in Bali evidently needed special care. For you who were muslim, ascertained the restaurant that dituju berlabel lawful. Lest when devouring the guest plate must stop suddenly the reason knew contained the base that was prohibited by the religion. Bali had several traditional recipes that until currently could be met by us easily. Up to now, the amount could not be known definitely. However when seeing the condition in the field of several traditional Balinese food kinds that were known now: the pig guling, slice thinly, serombotan, kelepon, godoh, betutu, the place of satay and taluh bekasem. In the eyes of the resident Hindu Bali traditional food popular this was very tight to the everyday life. Because, food like slice thinly, satay and the pig guling always was used in each implementation of the ceremony, whether that the tradition and piety.

Balinese knew the fish term with the term be. Possibly because of protein from the quite dominant fish dimasa that passed, finally Balinese only did not know be that meant the fish personally, but also be cattle, be celeng, be was ready, be knew, be tempe, or be nyuh, that freely his translation was the cattle fish, the pig fish, the chicken fish, the fish knew, the tempe fish, the coconut fish. For vegetables was known with the term jukut. While, the combination between be and jukut that was known and slice thinly, jukut balung and komoh. Traditional Balinese food was grouped to four kinds: processed-whim dry like satay and the place, processed-whim wet like slice thinly, timbungan and brengkes, processed-whim liquid like komoh and gerang acid and processed-whim that was cooked intact like betutu and be guling. Be Guling was roasted the intact pig. His stomach part was given heterogenous the kind of spices. This menu often it was considered as as masterpiece him this Island of the Gods food. Slice thinly was made from rajangan meat or vegetables that were mixt with rajangan soft the spice. Generally was made from pork, kuwir (entok), the jackfruit, young pawpaws, long peanuts, the star fruit leaves and the coconut. The normal person did not yet eat slice thinly often complained that this Balinese food was too hard. Actually this opinion was untrue. The spice sliced the foundation thinly was drafted with the composition in such a way for food and berkhasiat medicine. His additional spice that made him become hard. The USA. . . . The comparison of the spice composition sliced the foundation thinly that I was for this matched for the tongue of Indonesians's public (was tried by many friends non-Bali) with the modification. Authentic Balinese satay was acknowledged as satay coil around. His material from the minced meat mixture, the young coconut the grater, the spice, that afterwards dililitkan to the stick of satay that was made from bamboo or pelepah the coconut, was burnt on the charcoal. Bondan Winarno, the observer kuliner at the same time the boss of the Jalansutra club, had the suggestion for friends of Muslim who wanted to taste the traditional Balinese guest plate that was lawful. Lawful. The choice is, the Satria Stall in Street Kedondong and the Wardani Stall in Street Yudistira. There was also the Teges Stall near Ubud that was very famous with his raw chilli sauce. However, Bondan had wanti-wanti: in this Teges Stall you must say lawful when not wanting his soy sauce pig that was famous. Knew. Nah, congratulations ate-ate in Bali

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