The volcanic cone of Ijen dominates the landscape at the eastern end of Java. The Kawah or crater of Ijen is filled by a spectacular turquoise blue lake, its surface streaked in wind-blown patterns of yellow sulphur.
Almost sheer walls of white rock surround the lake, except where the wall has collapsed in the northwest. A dam has been built here to regulate the flow of water into Banyu Pahit river. The lake has been known to boil over when volcanic activity increases. A volcano logy post at Ungkup-Ungkup monitors volcanic activity all year round.
The uniqueness of the main crater of the tour apart from the exquisite a view is to see the traditional sulfur mine is transported by human power endured. This traditional mining supposedly found only in Indonesia alone (Welirang and Ijen). Transported loads each weighing up to 85kg per person. This remarkable heavy burden for most people, when sulfur is transported through the steep caldera wall and 800m down the mountain as far as 3km. Income received by a bearing on average 25 thousand rupiah per day, or about 300 rupiah per kilo. A bearer is usually only able to bring down one time each day, because the weight of the job. A few hundred yards there is a round building of ancient relics of the Netherlands said "Irrigation crater," which is now known as the Round Post, a post where the miners weigh the load and get a piece of paper about the content and value.
To reach the Ijen crater today is not too difficult. There are two ways, first through Banyuwangi town 38 km to the west through the slippery, Guava, Paltuding (1.600 masl). The second way is through the city people to the east through Wonosari Bondowoso, Sempol (800 masl), Paltuding 70 km. The second method is the most widely traveled people because through the smooth asphalt roads, while the first way through macadam road with a fairly steep incline. Foreign tourists after a visit at Bromo Bondowoso usually comes through, again through Banyuwangi, continues to Bali and Lombok.
Here are picts about Ijen Volcanic :
a Sulfur Mainers was Doing his Job.
Ijen Volcano